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Product Redesign Wireframes

DFIN Solutions Active Disclosure redesign. Account Creation - User Flow Wireframes.

In the summer of 2018, I spent two days in a brainstorming session with approximately 60 of my peers at Donnelly Financial Solutions which included the CEO, CFO, Product and UX/UI Directors, key Product Managers, Lead Engineers and Sales Leaders. I had been previously tasked with doing an exhaustive competitive analysis of our main competitors’ features. With this in hand, we set out to create a wish list of the features we wanted to see in a completely re-designed Active Disclosure product. The graphic above displays some of the 13-page document that I created by organizing the brainstorming notes we took earlier and shared with the Product Redesign Team. This was to be our guide to determining what features we would include in the “Most Viable Product” and what features we would hold back for future scheduled releases.

To help visualize the data I begin by creating a visualization diagram of the data using Adobe Illustrator to help me better see the relationships between the different features and how they can group together into feature sets.

Account Creation - User Flow Wireframes.

One part of the whole

The Account Creation feature is just a small part of the overall product design but it’s a critical step in establishing the User Experience. Here I show the steps in the user flow to accomplish this task. I used Adobe XD and a custom pattern library to allow me to rapidly generate ideas.

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I’m careful to ensure that I design snackbars to give the user a sense of contextual awareness, and task success.

I also take the opportunity to create mobile versions of the Account Creation wireframes at the same time. User Flow Diagrams like this are a low-effort solution for describing a process or simply getting an idea across.

Thank You for taking the time to hear about a small part of my time redesigning ActiveDisclosure at DFIN Solutions in Bellevue, Washington. I have many more stories that I could share. Reach out if you’d like to connect, I’d love to hear from you.

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